Friday, November 5, 2010


I just wanted to say that I think that it would suck to be a lobster, like the ones in the tank at Walmart. Think about it. Your claws get all tied up and your stuck in this container day and night, crawling over your fellow lobsters and seeing these strange creatures looking at you through the glass. Then, every so often, a lobster is taken and never seen again. Some lobsters may wonder 'where did he go?' while wiser lobsters wonder if they'll be next and remorse. Imagine spending your days locked up, knowing it could be your time to go at any moment. Kind of sounds like real life, huh?

The difference is, lobsters don't have as much as we do. They probably don't really even know what's going on. We, as people, know that we have to die someday, just like the lobsters (tho, preferably, we won't die in the same manner [being eaten by humans]). The difference, between us and the lobsters, is we can make the best of the time we have. We can go places, meet people, and have fun.

Still, I think it sucks that those poor lobsters have to die.

I hope you liked this post. =]

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